Sugestão de Avaliação - Inglês - Ensino Médio - Hora de Colorir - Atividades escolares

Sugestão de Avaliação - Inglês - Ensino Médio

What  animals feel: Joy? Compassion? Mother love?
The more research they do, the more scientists believe that many animals have emotional lives almost complex as those of humans. Those who study animal behaviour say the range of animal emotions can extend well beyond rage and fear to include maternal love, joy and compassion. And they are using new technology, such as brain imaging to see similarities in the chemical reactions taking place in the brains of primates and humans.
In fact, some researchers now believe that it was the evolving complexity of their emotions that has allowed mammals to become dominant on earth. Without fear, animals wouldn’t run while being hunted. Without their mother’s love, babies wouldn’t grow into adults. Without friendship, weaker animals would not survive.
1-    Além da palavra “animal”, o texto apresenta mais três palavras que designam espécies de animais. Quais são elas?
______________________________________________________________________________________________________2-  O texto apresenta uma expressão que é sinomimo de “mother’s Love”. Qual é ela?
3-    O texto apresenta uma expressão  que significa “quanto mais ...tanto mais...”. Qual é essa expressão?
4-       Read the text once again and answer the questions. Give short answers in Portuguese or in English.
a)       O que os cientistas fazem? ____________________________________________________________________________
b)       Em que eles acreditam? ______________________________________________________________________________
c)       Como é a vida emocional dos animais? __________________________________________________________________
d)       O que dizem os que estudam comportamento animal?______________________________________________________
e)       Quais são as cinco emoções dos animais citadas no texto?___________________________________________________
5-       True or false
(    ) Os cientistas

6- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example:    They didn’t drive (not drive) to Edinburgh, they got the bus.
1    Steven ________ (not be) at work on Tuesday.
2    I ________ (buy) a new book last weekend.
3    Who ________ (be) the three greatest artists of the twentieth century?
4    Emma ________ (write) him an email four days ago.
5    Where ________ (be) he on Wednesday afternoon?
6    We ________ (not have) a holiday next month.
7    Elizabeth and Ben ________ (have) three dogs.
8    ________  you ever ________ (break) your arm?
9    I ________ (not be) to Spain. Is it nice?
10    He has an exam on Thursday so he ________ (study) now.
11    My brother ________ (listen) to music at the moment.
12    ________  James ________ (have) a party next week?
13    She ________ (not like) writing letters.
14    How often ________ you ________ (use) your car?

7- What is the next word?
Example:    twenty, thirty, forty
1    eight hundred, nine hundred, ________                        2             Tuesday, Wednesday, ________
3    three, four, ________                                                         4             August, September, ________
5    winter, spring, ________                                                    6             Fifth, sixth, ________
8- Coloque as frases abaixo na voz passiva.
a)       Sarah is sending an e-mail. (An e-mail)
b)       They are searching for a criminal. (A criminal)
c)       They reported a cyber crime. (a cyber crime)
d)       They will install a new computer centre in the university. (a new computer centre)
e)        A fire is threatening the university library. (the university library)

9- Complete as frases usando os verbos no passado simples ou no presente perfeito:
a)       I ___________________ (not do) my homework yet.
b)       My father _______________ (buy) a new car last Tuesday.
c)       Michael _____________ (read) a very good  book yesterday.
d)       Judy _____________ (make) a delicious cake.
e)       I _____________ (finish) my paper today.
f)        My mother _____________ (break) the TV last night.
g)       Ruth Rocha __________________(to write) books for children.
h)       He __________________(to arrive) in Rio de Janeiro last week.
i)         I ________________(to see) Tom 10 minutes ago.
j)         The children ______________(to bring) many toys to the classroom.
k)       I
10- Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'.
1-       She____________   opened the window.          
2-       They ____________   called us.
3-       You ____________   carried a box.
4-       It____________   rained a lot.
5-       He____________   closed the window.
6-       Jenny ____________    locked the door.
7-       The girls ____________    visited the museum.
8-       John and Sophie ____________    helped in the garden.
11- Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).
1-       I (not / work) ____________   today.
2-       We (buy) ____________   a new lamp.
3-       We (not / plan) ____________   our holiday yet.
4-       Where (be / you) ____________   ?
5-       He (write) ____________   five letters.
6-       She (not / see) ____________   him for a long time.
7-       (be / you) ____________   at school?
8-       School (not / start) ____________   yet.
9-       (speak / he) ____________   to his boss?
10-   No, he (have / not) ____________   the time yet.
Parte superior do formulário
12 - When do we use which tense?
1-       'Already' is a signal word for ... _________________________
2-       'Just' is a signal word for ... _________________________
3-       '2 years ago' is a signal word for ... _________________________
4-       'Yet' is a signal word for ... _________________________
5-       'Yesterday' is a signal word for ... _________________________

6-       Jenny ____________    locked the door.
7-       The girls ____________    visited the museum.
8-       John and Sophie ____________    helped in the garden.
11- Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).
1-       I (not / work) ____________   today.
2-       We (buy) ____________   a new lamp.
3-       We (not / plan) ____________   our holiday yet.
4-       Where (be / you) ____________   ?
5-       He (write) ____________   five letters.
6-       She (not / see) ____________   him for a long time.
7-       (be / you) ____________   at school?
8-       School (not / start) ____________   yet.
9-       (speak / he) ____________   to his boss?
10-   No, he (have / not) ____________   the time yet.
Parte superior do formulário
12 - When do we use which tense?
1-       'Already' is a signal word for ... _________________________
2-       'Just' is a signal word for ... _________________________
3-       '2 years ago' is a signal word for ... _________________________
4-       'Yet' is a signal word for ... _________________________
5-       'Yesterday' is a signal word for ... _________________________

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