Leitura e interpretação de texto - Inglês - Hora de Colorir - Atividades escolares

Leitura e interpretação de texto - Inglês

1  Read the article and tick (ü) A, B, or C.
I have often thought about moving from my country town to a big city like London. Life in a country town is quiet and I’ve always found the bright lights and crowded streets of a city very exciting. However, after a recent visit to London to do some Christmas shopping and see the Christmas lights, I was very happy to get back home!
There are more people in London than ever before! It was crowded everywhere I went. The streets, the pavements, the shops, the cafés and the Underground. Everyone was trying to get somewhere quickly.
I travelled to London by train and the train was so full that I had to stand for the whole journey. Then I wanted to go on the Underground. That was a big mistake! There were hundreds of people on the platform and when the train arrived it was full! But the people on the platform just pushed and pushed and got into the train! I didn’t. I went back into the street and walked to Oxford Street. It was raining and freezing cold but it was better than the crowded Underground.
After an expensive coffee I did my shopping. Well, I tried to do my shopping. There were so many people on the pavements I had to walk in the road and everyone was in a hurry. They were pushing and knocking each other with their bags. No one talked or smiled. Then, of course, it was time to go home! My feet were hurting and it was raining again so I decided not to walk. I got a taxi but it took forty-five minutes because there was so much traffic. I can’t remember the train journey home. I slept.
Now I know why I live in the country. Life may not be as exciting or as fast as in the city, but there’s more room on our buses and in our shops, and the people talk to you. But the Christmas lights in London were beautiful!
Example:The writer went to London to buy some things for Christmas.
A  True   ü     B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
1  The writer lives in a city.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
2  The writer thought London was busier than before.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
3  She lives in a quiet area.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
4  There were a lot of people waiting for the Underground train.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
5  The weather in London was very good.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
6  She took a taxi to Oxford Street.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
7  She didn’t buy many things.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
8  She thinks people in the countryside are unfriendly.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
9  Her train journey was expensive.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
10  After her recent visit to London the writer has decided to move there.
    A  True          B  False          C  Doesn’t say      
2  Match five of the highlighted words / phrases to the definitions.
Example: coloured electric decorations for the period around 25 December 
Christmas lights
1  all the cars and other vehicles that are on the road  _______
2  hitting by accident  _______
3  the parts at the side of a road where people can walk  _______
4  having strong feelings of happiness and enthusiasm  _______
5        needing or wanting to do something very q

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