Inglês Instrumental - Exercícios - Hora de Colorir - Atividades escolares

Inglês Instrumental - Exercícios

Every day more and more of us find that computers have become part of our daily background: magazines we read have been typeset by computers, architects have designed our houses with the help of computers, our paylips are printed by computers, we pay bills prepared by computers, using checks marked with computer symbols, and the payments result in bank statements prepared by computers. Even more directly associated with the machines are those who use them in their day-to-day work – scientists and storekeepers, clerks and directors, soldiers and sailors, accountants and engineers – besides the growing numbers of computer personal who are responsible for making the machines do the work. Each of us, whether layman, computer use or computer technician, will have problems with computer terminology.

1-   Grife no texto os cognatos verdadeiros.

2-   Retire do texto falsos cognatos.
3-   As frases retiradas do texto estão em que tempo verbal:
a)   … will have problems…- _________________________________
b)   … computers have become part of our daily… - _______________
c)   … have designed our houses …- _________________________

4-   Encontre no texto pronomes pessoais.

5-   Encontre no texto pronomes possessivos.

6-   Indique os sufixos e/ou prefixos presents nas palavras:
a)   Growing -____________________________________________
b)   Associated - ___________________________________________
c)   Responsible - __________________________________________
d)   Directly  - _____________________________________________

e)   Scientists - ____________________________________________

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