Atividade para 7º ano - Passado simples e WH- questions - Hora de Colorir - Atividades escolares

Atividade para 7º ano - Passado simples e WH- questions


(EF07LI06) Antecipar o sentido global de textos em Língua Inglesa por inferências, com base em leitura rápida, observando títulos, primeiras e últimas frases de parágrafos, palavras-chave repetidas e palavras cognatas (e falsos cognatos), a fim de desenvolver a capacidade de inferenciação e seleção de informações relevantes, com a orientação do professor.

(EF07LI15) Construir repertório lexical relativo a verbos regulares e irregulares (formas no passado), preposições de tempo (in, on, at) e conectores (and, but, because, then, so, before, after, entre outros), para compreender ações do passado e o encadeamento de fatos e acontecimentos da construção textual, sob orientação do professor.

Read the following story:


   Bob is a young sailor. He lives in England, but he is often away with his ship.
     One summer he comes back from a long voyage and finds new neighbors near his mother’s house. They have a pretty daughter, and Bob soon loves her and he wants to marry her when he comes back. Bob promises the girl to send a present from every port.
      Bob’s first port is Capetown in Africa, and he sends the girl a parrot from there. The parrot speaks three languages. When Bob’s ship reaches Australia, a letter comes from the girl. The letter says, “Thank you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than a chicken.”

      a) Escreva a história novamente no  SIMPLE PAST:

      Bob was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship.             

      b) Responda as questões sobre o texto:

1.     Onde Bob morava? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.     Quem era  Bob? ……………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………
3.     Que mudança ele encontrou quando voltou para casa?……...........………………………………………………
4.     Como era a filha dos vizinhos?..............................................…………………………………………………………
5.     O que Bob sentiu pela garota? ..........................……………………………………………………………………………
6.     O que ele prometeu para a  garota? .................……………………………………………………………………………
7.     O que  Bob enviou para a garato de Capetown?…………………………………………………………………………
8.     Onde fica Capetown?..........................................………………………………………………………………………….
9.     Quantas linguas o papagaio falava? ………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. O que a garota fez com o papagaio?...................................................................................................

Complete the questions with the correct wh-word.
1.    ___________ is your last name, please?
2.    ___________ money do you need?
3.    ___________ do you go to school? By bus?
4.    ___________ bag is that? Is it John’s?
5.    ___________ is that man near the door?

7.    ___________ do you live?
8.    ___________ is your birthday?
9.    ___________ students are there in your class?
10. ___________ one do you prefer, the red or the blue jacket?
11.  ___________ are you late?




Bob WAS a young sailor. He LIVED in England, but he WAS often away with his ship.
     One summer he CAME back from a long voyage and FOUND new neighbors near his mother’s house. They HAD a pretty daughter, and Bob soon LOVED her and he wanted to marry her when he CAME back. Bob PROMISED the girl to send a present from every port.
      Bob’s first port is Capetown in Africa, and he SENT the girl a parrot from there. The parrot SPOKE three languages. When Bob’s ship REACHED Australia, a letter comes from the girl. The letter says, “Thank you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than a chicken.”

1.     Onde Bob morava? …NA INGLATERRA………………………………………………
2.     Quem era  Bob? ………ELE ERA MARINHEIRO………….………………………………
3.     Que mudança ele encontrou quando voltou para casa?……...ELE ENCONTROU A FILHA DOS VIZINHOS E SE APAIXONOU
4.     Como era a filha dos vizinhos?...ERA LINDA................……………………………………………
5.     O que Bob sentiu pela garota? .......SE APAIXONOU POR ELA ……………………………
6.     O que ele prometeu para a  garota? ......PROMETEU QUE MANDARIA UM PRESENTE PARA ELA DE CADA PORTO QUE ELE PASSASSE ………………………
7.     O que  Bob enviou para a garato de Capetown?…UM PAPAGAIO………………………………
8.     Onde fica Capetown?...........................NA ÁFRICA………………………………………………….
9.     Quantas línguas o papagaio falava? ……………TRÊS……………………………………
10. O que a garota fez com o papagaio?......ELA COMEU O PAPAGAIO....................................

Complete the questions with the correct wh-word.
1.    ___WHAT________ is your last name, please?
2.    ____HOW MUCH_______ money do you need?
3.    _____HOW______ do you go to school? By bus?
4.    ______WHOSE_____ bag is that? Is it John’s?
5.    ____WHO_______ is that man near the door?

7.    ________WHERE___ do you live?
8.    _______WHEN____ is your birthday?
9.    ____HOW MANY_______ students are there in your class?
10. _____WHICH______ one do you prefer, the red or the blue jacket?
11.  ____WHY_______ are you late?


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