Leitura e interpretação de texto - Hora de Colorir - Atividades escolares

Leitura e interpretação de texto

Women during the British Industrial Revolution
  A defining feature of the Industrial Revolution was the rise of factories. Before factories appeared, most textile manufacture (including the main processes of spinning and 4 weaving) was carried out by women under the “putting-out” system. Since raw materials were expensive, textile workers rarely had enough capital to be self-employed, but would  take raw materials from a merchant, like wool and cotton, spin or weave the materials in their homes, and then return  the finished product and receive a piece-rate wage. This  system disappeared during the Industrial Revolution as new machinery requiring water or steam power appeared, and work moved from the home to the factory.
During the Industrial Revolution, the role of women in society was greatly altered. Prior to the revolution, a woman’s place was originally at home where she was the  center of spirituality and domestic endeavors. With the Industrial Revolution, however, women in the working class were forced to leave the confines of their homes for factories  and other workplaces, such as mines. As with the children and men, the hours were long and conditions were hard.
Those who were fortunate may have become maids  for wealthier families; others may have worked as governesses for rich children. The less fortunate may have been forced to work in shocking conditions during the day  and then have to return home to conduct the household’s domestic needs.
Domestic services, which is the largest profession  women seemed to be involved in, ranged from cooking, cleaning, caring for family members, and making and mending clothing among various other chores. Many middle  class and well-to-do families could afford other women to do this work for them.
 Women also faced the added burden of society’s  demand for children. The industrial age led to a rapid increase in birth rates which clearly has an impact upon the physical strength of the mothers. It was not uncommon for  families to have more than 10 children as a result of this demand, and the woman would often have to work right up to and straight after the day of the child’s birth for financial  reasons, leaving the care of the newborn to older relatives.
Marque C se julga o item correto e E se errado.
1-      According to the text, it is correct to say that before the Industrial Revolution
(     ) it was common for textile working women to work at home, being paid according to the number of pieces produced.
(     ) textile work at home included forming thread from raw materials such as wool or cotton, and making fabrics.
(     ) the high price of raw materials was an obstacle for textile workers to work independently for customers or clients.
2-      Based on the text, it can be concluded that
(      ) the Industrial Revolution was welcome by most women because they preferred to work in factories rather than at home due to the better working conditions.
(     ) children and women who worked in factories during the Industrial Revolution received better treatment than men, being spared from working long hours.
(      ) women who worked as maids for the rich could be considered luckier than the ones who worked in factories.
(     ) society’s demand for children, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, immediately led most of the employers to grant women the right to paid maternity leaves
3-      In the text,
(     ) the use of “may” in the 3rd  paragraph emphasizes the  accuracy of the information given.
(     )  the complete list of chores women were involved in, in the nineteenth-century society, is given in the 4th  paragraph. 
(     ) “Those” refers to “children and men” .
(      )  “wealthier” is the comparative form of the adjective wealthy.
(      ) “well-to-do”  can be replaced by rich without any change in meaning.
(      ) the verb “led”  can be replaced by has led without any change in meaning.

Our properties offer a variety of exciting jobs and wonderful opportunities for career advancement.
Whether you are looking for a position in:
ü  Front Office
ü   Reservations
ü  Housekeeping
ü  Maintenance
Our hotel offers one of the most friendly and family oriented work environments that you can find. Our employee recognition programs are renowned within the hospitality industry. We are committed to being the best and all of our employees are trained in our

We are honest and respectful in all of our communications with our guests and with our employees; we listen carefully and consider the outcome of our decisions
Our positive attitude is shared each day through our enthusiastic, caring and friendly performance.
Clean & Safe Work
We will strive to provide a "home away from home" environment that is safe, clean and comfortable for all
Our guests are special; we will greet them with a warm smile, provide them with friendly service and anticipate their needs.
 An Equal Opportunity Employer (www.thhotels.com)

1-             O texto:
01) é uma propaganda de hotel.
02) traz ofertas de emprego.
04) é a divulgação de um treinamento para gerentes de hotel.
08) traz informações sobre serviços especializados em recrutamento.
16) é um artigo sobre como conseguir emprego.
32) relaciona qualidades de serviço para um bom atendimento na rede de hotelaria.
64) incentiva os funcionários do hotel a progredirem em suas carreiras.

De acordo com o texto, assinale o que for correto.
01) "exciting" , "respectful"  e "carefully"  têm a função de adjetivo.
02) O termo grifado na frase "Whether you are looking for a position in..." expressa condição.
04) "most friendly"  e "the best"  têm função de superlativo.
08) "offers"  e "needs"  são verbos no tempo presente.
16) "outcome"  pode ser substituído por "release".
32) "committed" pode ser traduzido por "reconhecidos".
64) "them"  refere-se ao grupo de funcionários do hotel.

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