Avaliação para o Ensino Médio - Grau dos adjetivos - Hora de Colorir - Atividades escolares

Avaliação para o Ensino Médio - Grau dos adjetivos

By Anita Manning
What makes a teenager grow up to live a normal life while another turns to a murder?
Researchers suggest the answer may lie in a part of the brain that controls planning, reasoning and impulse control. Studies are revealing physiological differences between the brains of a normal people and those of people who kill.
“ There is clearly a biological predisposition to violence,” says psychologist Adrian Raine of the University of Southern California. “We know there are murderers who don’t have the usual signs – a history of a child abuse, poverty, domestic violence, broken homes – and yet they commit violence. Research suggests the cause may lie internally, in terms of abnormal biological functioning.”
Raine led studies comparing the brains of 41 murderers with those of 41 nonviolent people matched by age and gender. He found that “murderers have poorer functioning of pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain located above the eyes, behind the forehead. This is the part of the brain that controls regulating behaviors – the part that says `wait a minute’.”
In another study, Raine divided the murderers into two groups: those from healthy, stable family background and those from abusive, dysfunctional homes. “It’s the murderers from good home environment who have the poorest brain functioning”, he says.
Source: USA Today, April 29, 1999.
Behavior: comportamento                                Brain – cerebro                                                    Break – quebrar
Killer – assassin                                                                   Lead, led – liberar                                Match  - combinar, casar
Murder – assassinato                                                         Murderer – assassino                                         Reasoning – raciocínio
Research – pesquisa                                                           Turn to – voltar-se para. Dedicar-se  Yet - ainda

1-      Relacione as palavras e seus significados.
1-   Grow up     2- brain                       3- reasoning               4- poverty       5- gender        6- background
(     ) A parte do corpo que comanda planejamento, raciocínio e controle de impulsos.
(     ) A característica que separa o masculino do feminino.
(     ) O conjunto de características, estudos e experiências de vida de uma pessoa.
(     )Um estado extreme de falta de recursos.
(     ) Passar de uma etapa para a outra.
(     ) Um conjunto lógico de ideias e pensamentos.
2-      Encontre a expressão usada no texto para:
a)      Controle de impulsos - ______________________________________________________________
b)      Os sinais habituais - ________________________________________________________________
c)      Lares desfeitos - ___________________________________________________________________
d)      Pareados por idade e sexo - __________________________________________________________
e)      Comportamentos reguladores - _______________________________________________________
f)       Ambiente familiar -_________________________________________________________________
3-      Leia o texto mais uma vez e responda as perguntas que conseguir. Dê respostas curtas. Se preciso, volte rapidamente para verificar a resposta.
a)      Quem escreveu o texto?_____________________________________________________________
b)      Quem publicou o texto? _____________________________________________________________
c)      O texto inicia com :  (    ) afirmação                                    (    ) pergunta                         (     )declaração
d)      O parágrafo inicial nos informa que o texto vai tratar:
(     ) de crianças                    (     ) da terceira idade                       (     ) de jovens
e)      Quando crescem, quais são os dois caminhos que essas pessoas podem seguir?
f)       Quem sugere uma resposta para essa pergunta?
g)      Em que parte do corpo pode estar essa resposta?  O que essa parte do corpo controla?
h)      Que tipos de diferenças os estudos revelam?
i)        Essas diferenças existem entre que tipos de pessoas?
j)        Qual é o nome da pessoa que faz uma afirmação no terceiro parágrafo?
k)      Essa pessoa é homem ou mulher?____________________________________________________
l)        Qual a profissão  dessa pessoa? Onde trabalha? __________________________________________
m)   Existem assassinos que não exibem os sinais habituais? ____________________________________
n)     Quais são estes sinais? Esses sinais habituais são indícios de quê? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
o)      Segundo a pesquisa, onde pode estar a causa da violência? Qual seria essa causa?
p)      Raine faz estudos sozinho ou com outras pessoas?_______________________________________
q)      Como ele organizou os participantes da pesquisa? _______________________________________
r)       Ele usou algum critério para poder comparar os grupos?
s)       O que ele descobriu na comparação?
t)       O que são comportamentos reguladores? _______________________________________________________________________________________
u)      O primeiro grupo de estudo vinha de lares com problemas? _______________________________
v)      Como eram as famílias do primeiro grupo?
 Quando foi publicado este artigo?___________________________________________________________

1-      Supply the comparative of superiority ( … er than)
a)      Bob’s motorcycle is ________________ my car. (old)
b)      The Eiffel Tower is ________________ the Statue of Liberty. (high)
c)       The cake is __________________ the ice cream. (sweet)
d)      A car is ________________ a motorcycle. (safe)
e)      My uncle is _______________ my father. (tall)
2-      Supply the superlative of superiority (… est).
a)      Linda is the _______________ (short) girl among my friends.
b)      This is the ________________ (simple) exercise in this book.
c)       São Paulo is the ______________(large) city in Brazil.
d)      This is the _________________ (light) car produced in Brazil.
3-      Supply the correct form of the adjectives.
Adjectives                                                  Comparative                                     Superlative
  1. Shinny                                                 shinnier                                              shinniest
  2. Fat                                                        _________________                       ____________________
  3. thin                                                      _________________                       ____________________
  4. lucky                                                    _________________                       ____________________
  5. heavy                                                  _________________                       ____________________
4-      Supply the comparative or superlative of superiority.
a)      Their car is _______________________( new) ours.
b)      A sports car is ____________________(fast) a truck.
c)       Mr. Clark drove __________________ (fast) car in the world.
d)      Oceans are _____________________ (deep) rivers.
e)      Jane looks ______________________ (young) her sister Ann.
f)       I bought ________________________ ( cheap) hat in the store.
g)      The lion is _______________________ ( smart) of all animals.
h)      The Nile is ______________________ (long) river in the world.
5-      Supply the comparative  or superlative of superiority. (more than… / the most)
a)      Brenda is __________________ (energetic) girl in our school.
b)      Uranium is _____________________(radioactive) radium.
c)       Albert was _____________________(nervous) boy in my class.
d)      Their project was ___________________ (successful) of all.
e)      The teacher was ____________________ (surprised) the students.
f)       Our experiment was __________________ (difficult) theirs.
g)      This car is ________________________( comfortable) of all in the market.
h)      That new furniture is ___________________( practical) in the store.

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