Exercícios com 1º Condicional- First conditional - Hora de Colorir - Atividades escolares

Exercícios com 1º Condicional- First conditional

1) If you ________ (help) me with my homework, I__________  (finish) it in time to go to the cinema.
 2) If it _________ (not/rain), the students_______ (practice) sport in the playground.
 3) Jane __________  (come) home early if she _________  (not/be) very busy at work.
 4) Our teacher _________ (be) pleased if we _________ (do) our homework.
 5) If Robert _________ (play) football with us, we  ___________  (win) the match.
6) If you _________ (not study), you ___________(fail) the test.
7) We _________ (die) if we __________(not get) help soon!
8) If you
___________ (look) in the fridge, you _________ (find) some cold drinks.
9) If there
_________( be) no oil in the engine, the car ___________(break) down.
10)  I
____________  (lend) you my umbrella if you ___________(need) it.
11)  The sea level
__________ (rise) if the planet ___________ (get) hotter.
12) If you
___________ (eat) your sandwiches now, you __________ (not have) anything for lunch!
13) You
__________ (be) safe in an accident if you __________ (wear) your seatbelt.
14) If he
__________ (save) all his money, he ___________ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada.
15) I
____________ (not come) with you if you ____________  (not bring) John!
16) If I ____________ (see) John, I___________  (tell) him your news.
17) He _________ (be) very pleased if it__________ (be) really true.
18) If you __________  (go) to town on Monday, you __________       ( meet) my brother.
19) If you __________ (need) help, my father _________ (help) you.
20) We____________ (have) a picnic lunch if the day _________  (be) fine.
21) If you _________  a policeman, he ____________(tell) you the way.
22) I__________ ( finish) the job tomorrow if I __________ (can).
23) I _____________ (not require) an umbrella if it _________(not rain).
24) If she __________ (think) it over carefully, she _________ (form) a clear opinion.
25) If they __________ (catch) the bus now, they _________ (arrive) at half past nine.
26) He  __________ (find) the answers if he __________ (look) at the back of the book.
27) If you _________ (want) me to, I _________ (come) for a walk with you.
28) If he ________ (write) to her, she ___________ (answer) at once.
29) If you _________ (wait) for a moment, the waiter _________ (bring) your coffee.
30) He _________ (lose) weight if he __________ (stop) eating too much.
31) If she ________(be) patient, I __________ (try) to explain.
32) I _________ (wear) a purple tie but only if I ________ (must).
33) If we________ (leave) at once, we ________ (catch) the early train.
34) If he _______ (do) that again, his father __________(punish) him.
35) If she ______ (drink) this medicine, she ________(feel) much better.
36) He_________  (forgive) you if you ________ (tell) him the truth
37) We  ________ (not pass) the exam if we ________ ( not study) harder
38) If she _______ (take) a painkiller, she _______(feel) much better soon
39) If your mother ______ (ask) me, I ________(tell) her you went for a walk
40) _________ ( you/buy) the T-shirt if she _________(have got) it in your size?
41) If they _______ (be) here tomorrow, they ________ (try) to go to Susan’s party
42) _________ (you/go) to the wedding if she ______(send) you an invitation?
43) If Mark and Sally_________ (cut) the red wire, the bomb _________ (explode)
44)  I __________ (receive) a prize if my composition _______ (win) the contest
45)  If my boss _______ (not give) me more work, I _____(arrive)
home early
46)  If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the cinema.
47)  If you __________________ (get) back late, I __________________ (be)
48)  If we __________________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we
__________________  (see) each other next week.
49)  If he __________________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised.
50)  If we __________________ (wait) here, we __________________ (be) late.
51)  If we __________________ (go) on holiday this summer, we ______________ (go) to Spain.
52)  If the weather __________________ (not / improve), we________ (not / have) a picnic.
53)  If I __________________ (not / go) to bed early, I __________________ (be) tired tomorrow.
54)  If we __________________ (eat) all this cake, we __________________

(feel) sick.


1) If you ___HELP_____ (help) me with my homework, I____WILL FINISH______  (finish) it in time to go to the cinema.
 2) If it __DOESN´T RAIN_______ (not/rain), the students__WILL PRACTICE_____ (practice) sport in the playground.
 3) Jane __WILL COME________  (come) home early if she ___ISN´T______  (not/be) very busy at work.
 4) Our teacher _WILL BE________ (be) pleased if we _DO________ (do) our homework.
 5) If Robert _PLAY________ (play) football with us, we  ___WILL WIN________  (win) the match.
6) If you ___DON´T STUDY______ (not study), you __WILL FAIL_________(fail) the test.
7) We _WILL DIE________ (die) if we __DON´T GET________(not get) help soon!
8) If you
___LOOK________ (look) in the fridge, you __WILL FIND_______ (find) some cold drinks.
9) If there
_IS________( be) no oil in the engine, the car ____WILL BREAK_______(break) down.
10)  I
__WILL LEND__________  (lend) you my umbrella if you __NEED_________(need) it.
11)  The sea level
__will rise________ (rise) if the planet ____GETS_______ (get) hotter.
12) If you
___EAT________ (eat) your sandwiches now, you __WILL NOT HAVE________ (not have) anything for lunch!
13) You
__WILL BE________ (be) safe in an accident if you __WEAR________ (wear) your seatbelt.
14) If he
___SAVES_______ (save) all his money, he __WILL BE ABLE TO_________ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada.
15) I
__WON´T COME__________ (not come) with you if you ____DONT BRING________  (not bring) John!
16) If I ___SEE_________ (see) John, I___WILL TELL________  (tell) him your news.
17) He _____WILL BE____ (be) very pleased if it____IS______ (be) really true.
18) If you ___GO_______  (go) to town on Monday, you ____WILL MEET_       ( meet) my brother.
19) If you ___NEED_______ (need) help, my father ___WILL HELP______ (help) you.
20) We____________ (have) a picnic lunch if the day _________  (be) fine.
21) If you _________  a policeman, he ____________(tell) you the way.
22) I__________ ( finish) the job tomorrow if I __________ (can).
23) I _____________ (not require) an umbrella if it _________(not rain).
24) If she __________ (think) it over carefully, she _________ (form) a clear opinion.
25) If they __________ (catch) the bus now, they _________ (arrive) at half past nine.
26) He  __________ (find) the answers if he __________ (look) at the back of the book.
27) If you _________ (want) me to, I _________ (come) for a walk with you.
28) If he ________ (write) to her, she ___________ (answer) at once.
29) If you _________ (wait) for a moment, the waiter _________ (bring) your coffee.
30) He _________ (lose) weight if he __________ (stop) eating too much.
31) If she ________(be) patient, I __________ (try) to explain.
32) I _________ (wear) a purple tie but only if I ________ (must).
33) If we________ (leave) at once, we ________ (catch) the early train.
34) If he _______ (do) that again, his father __________(punish) him.
35) If she ______ (drink) this medicine, she ________(feel) much better.
36) He_________  (forgive) you if you ________ (tell) him the truth
37) We  ________ (not pass) the exam if we ________ ( not study) harder
38) If she _______ (take) a painkiller, she _______(feel) much better soon
39) If your mother ______ (ask) me, I ________(tell) her you went for a walk
40) _________ ( you/buy) the T-shirt if she _________(have got) it in your size?
41) If they _______ (be) here tomorrow, they ________ (try) to go to Susan’s party
42) _________ (you/go) to the wedding if she ______(send) you an invitation?
43) If Mark and Sally_________ (cut) the red wire, the bomb _________ (explode)
44)  I __________ (receive) a prize if my composition _______ (win) the contest
45)  If my boss _______ (not give) me more work, I _____(arrive)
home early
46)  If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the cinema.
47)  If you __________________ (get) back late, I __________________ (be)
48)  If we __________________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we
__________________  (see) each other next week.
49)  If he __________________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised.
50)  If we __________________ (wait) here, we __________________ (be) late.
51)  If we __________________ (go) on holiday this summer, we ______________ (go) to Spain.
52)  If the weather __________________ (not / improve), we________ (not / have) a picnic.
53)  If I __________________ (not / go) to bed early, I __________________ (be) tired tomorrow.
54)  If we __________________ (eat) all this cake, we __________________

(feel) sick.

3 comentários

  1. 1) If you ________ (help) me with my homework, I__________ (finish) it in time to go to the cinema.
    2) If it _________ (not/rain), the students_______ (practice) sport in the playground.
    3) Jane __________ (come) home early if she _________ (not/be) very busy at work.
    4) Our teacher _________ (be) pleased if we _________ (do) our homework.
    5) If Robert _________ (play) football with us, we ___________ (win) the match.
    6) If you _________ (not study), you ___________(fail) the test.
    7) We _________ (die) if we __________(not get) help soon!
    8) If you ___________ (look) in the fridge, you _________ (find) some cold drinks.
    9) If there _________( be) no oil in the engine, the car ___________(break) down.
    10) I ____________ (lend) you my umbrella if you ___________(need) it.
    11) The sea level __________ (rise) if the planet ___________ (get) hotter.
    12) If you ___________ (eat) your sandwiches now, you __________ (not have) anything for lunch!
    13) You __________ (be) safe in an accident if you __________ (wear) your seatbelt.
    14) If he __________ (save) all his money, he ___________ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada.
    15) I ____________ (not come) with you if you ____________ (not bring) John!
    16) If I ____________ (see) John, I___________ (tell) him your news.
    17) He _________ (be) very pleased if it__________ (be) really true.
    18) If you __________ (go) to town on Monday, you __________ ( meet) my brother.
    19) If you __________ (need) help, my father _________ (help) you.
    20) We____________ (have) a picnic lunch if the day _________ (be) fine.
    21) If you _________ a policeman, he ____________(tell) you the way.
    22) I__________ ( finish) the job tomorrow if I __________ (can).preciso de respostas nao sei
