Exercícios de Inglês Instrumental - Hora de Colorir - Atividades escolares

Exercícios de Inglês Instrumental

One man in boat
Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything – not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag “You must give up fishing!” my friends say. “It’s a waste of time”. But they don’t realize one important thing. I’m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!
Do livro: PRACTICE AND PROGRESS – An Integrated Course for Pre-Intermediate Students, L. G. Alexander, Longman Group Limited, London.

1.    Embora o homem pesque com frequência, ele:
a)    Só pega botas velhas e lixo
b)    Sempre pega lixo
c)    Nunca pega coisa alguma
d)    Às vezes pega um peixe

2.    Depois de passar manhãs inteiras no rio, ele vai para casa:
a)    Com a sacola quase cheia
b)    Com as botas velhas que pegou
c)    Com o lixo que pegou
d)    Com a sacola vazia

3.    Os amigos dele costumam dizer que:
a)    Um dia ele será um bom pescador
b)    Ele deve continuar tentando
c)    Ele tem que desistir de pescar
d)    Ele precisa se esforçar mais

4.    De fato o homem só está interessado em:
a)    Fugir do barulho da cidade
b)    Passar o dia no barco para ler
c)    Poder fumar em paz
d)    Passar o dia no barco sem fazer nada

5. Quando alguém diz que está atrasado para “the College”, esse alguém está atrasado para:
a) Colégio
b) Casebre
c) Coliseu
d) Universidade
e) Escola

6. Se alguém referir-se a algo como 'comprehensive', essa pessoa está se referindo a algo:
a) Capaz
b) Compreensivo
c) Abrangente
d) Ilusório

7. Acrescente o prefixo e/ou sufixos aos adjetivos quando possível  e traduza a palavra formada:

a. Believe -_________________________________________________________________
b. Forgettable - _________________________________________________________________
c. Known- _________________________________________________________________
d. Limited - _________________________________________________________________
e. Lucky - _________________________________________________________________
f. Necessary - _________________________________________________________________
g. Happy (feliz) -_________________________________________________________________
h. Soft (suave) -________________________________________________________________
i. Kind (gentil) -_________________________________________________________________
j. Weak (fraco) -_________________________________________________________________

"An Equal-Opportunity Tragedy"

"Teenaged girls just aren't getting the message", reports the Toronto Star: What message? That smoking is a deadly habit. A 1991 study revealed that 25 percent of Canadian girls between the ages of 15 and 19 were smokers, compared with 19 percent of boys in the same age group. Even among adults, female smokers outnumber their male counterparts. "Tobacco use among women has become and equal-opportunity tragedy", noted Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada.

Why do teenage girls begin to smoke? Curiosity, peer pressure, and rebellion play a role. Not to be overlooked, however, is the advertising industry, which portrays female smokers as being slim. Yes, many smoker try to prevent overeating, and they fear putting on pounds if they stop. Tragically, these women may be more concerned about the threat of weight gain than about the threat of cancer: Robert Coambs, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, summarized their attitude: 'Lung cancer is 20 years away. Weight gain is immediate.'

The tobacco industry also targets women by linking cigarette smoking with independence. Yet, Jean Kilbourne, former adviser to two U.S. general surgeons, wisely stated: 'One can only consider cigarette smoking liberating if one considers death the ultimate freedom.'

(Awake! - August 8, 1995 - p.31) 
8. Qual palavra abaixo é formada por um sufixo?

a) teenaged
b) overlooked
c) summarized
d) immediate
9- Grife no texto 5 cognatos verdadeiros.
10- Responda as questões sobre o texto acima:
a) O que indicam os números no texto:
* 1991______________________________________________________________
* 19 ______________________________________________________________
* 25 ___________________________________________________________
* 15 ______________________________________________________________
b) De acordo com o texto por que alguns adolescentes começam a fumar?
c) Enconte o equivalente em inglês para:
- Mesmo entre os adultos - _____________________________________________
- Ganho de peso - ___________________________________________________
d) Observe os marcadores discursivos no texto e diga que ideia eles indicam:
- however ________________________________________________________
- also ____________________________________________________________
If - _____________________________________________________________
And- _____________________________________________________________
10. Choose the alternative with false cognates only:

a)      Data, push, library, legend
b)      Injury, journal, information, communication
c)      Central, principal, computers, necessary
d)      Costume, telephone, technology, move

11. Choose the alternative with all words formed by prefixation.
a)      Insane, delete, mislead
b)      Dislike, unhappy, decode
c)      Irrelevant, remove, manage
d)      Missunderstood, happiness, revolution

11- Choose the alternative with all words formed by suffixation
a)      Useful, careless, simplify
b)      Violinist, read, beautiful
c)      Information, disconect, wireless
d)      Wait, worth, sadness
12- Identifique na letra da música as palavras formadas por prefixo e diga qual significado ele dá pra a palavra.
Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Un-do this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked outta my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart, my heart

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